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Last Oasis

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:57 am
by Gavac220
Hey guys, :D

Slarti, Sax and myself have been playing Last Oasis. A really incredible survival game, set in desert landscapes. It is very much a clan game, where you need you allies. It is resource led, where you collect and use them to build walkers. These are mobile platforms, where you keep all your belongings, machinery, tools and weapons. You then travel between oasis, to source new resources, for improved tools, weapons and walkers. 3rd person, or 1st if you prefer.

I just read that back. I would hate a game like that! So here is a wee link: ... 6Z47cQWWbg

Yet....... It was the first game in 15 years, that I played from 7pm, to 7.30am! Just so addictive and you become almost paranoid that someone is going to come along and break your walker, steal your resources and try and kill you. After so much hard work and time building these things. Good news. You can protect them all in safe save zones and by avoiding contact, by being ever vigilant. The areas are HUGE. This means you can stay out of harms way, if you know what to look for.

As always, there are some BAD people out there on the oasis. These gangs/groups/clans use you as a resource, to cut corners! Steal all your hard earned fibre, wood, tools etc. So, you keep one eye on the horizon at all times, ready to pack up your walker and run, if needed. This is on rare occasions, but if it happens to you once, you become a little 'on edge'. You can arm your walker with defensive and attacking static crossbows, ballistas and items that help you make good your escape.

So... as you can see. I kind of like this game!

Come join us in the alpha stages of the games and we will help you get your feet. When you start, you have nothing but a pair of trousers! Dirty ones and your in the middle of a desert! Joining a friendly group gets you on your feet a lot faster.

Let us know in here if you get the game and come join in the clan fun. Be you trader, resource hunter, or one of those bloody bastards hunting me.

Avoid the reviews. It was one of the most difficult releases of any game. We spent hours/days trying to get in servers. They even shut them down completely for 7 days. An incredibly difficult decision for the developers, but they want to get it right! They are on the right path.

Re: Last Oasis

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2020 11:04 am
by Gavac220


Re: Last Oasis

Posted: Thu Apr 09, 2020 10:53 pm
by MegaYoda
Downloading now so hope to catch you guys in game soon! who can resist a call to arms from Gavac

Re: Last Oasis

Posted: Sat Apr 11, 2020 10:09 am
by shutteh
sounds like a cruel game that takes away the complete lifetime.

Thats to risky for me. I would spend to much time for gaming :)

Re: Last Oasis

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:49 am
by Gavac220
The game has been great. I've never been so protective of a virtual item. You spend a lot of time building simple resources to create a Walker that will be defensive enough to withstand attacks from the enviroment, but more recently, Zergs. These are kill on site clans.
I got attacked last night and lost a little Spider Walker and all that I was carrying, to an Italian clan. A quick call to arms and Slarti and the boys came together and we hunted them down over the day. Revenge was sweet!
It is best to avoid any interactions with other players in larger walkers at this point, as the game transitions between PVE, to PVP and then to large clans claiming whole zones and protecting all their 'farmers', or individuals on their zone. This will make it a bit easier for those who like to play on their own.
I do both. I contribute to the clan, rally to arms, but also like my wee project on my own walker.
If anyone is starting off, give myself or Sax a contact through Steam chat first, or in the Discord channel:
I'll also join you in our own Discord if requested, just to get you started. The game is at it's hardest trying to get on your feet.

The servers are all running really stable now, even though it is still in alpha status.

I invented surfing in the game too! Long story.... :P

Re: Last Oasis

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 12:12 pm
by Gavac220 ... 0464260805

New Walker on it's way, that is small, cheap and fully protects the occupant. Should help those out on the plains on there own!