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[TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:03 pm
by Dannyf
[TGUK] Highwaywarrior was banned (indefinitely) on our CS:GO server earlier this evening by myself for previous rule infringement.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:31 pm
by CrAp
hes my friend,please unban him.btw we are welcome on tguk servers aswell!!

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:35 pm
by MegaYoda
Its a new year so let the pass be

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Fri Feb 20, 2015 11:46 pm
by Schlack
I believe that the ban was for prior attempts to recruit on our server. A definite no no. I believe such activities were also historically quite harshly dealt with.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:44 am
by Dannyf
Think it's probably worth pointing out that the vast majority of [TGUK] members are free to play on our server.

This ban was on one player only and for specific reasons.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 10:14 am
by MudShark
Hear hear. If he has recruited on our server in the past I think the ban should stand.

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 12:40 pm
by CrAp
You all think your gods dont you....??? :lol:

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Fri Feb 27, 2015 10:38 pm
by TGUK Highwaywarrior
Good evening.

It was nice to catch up with a few people in your CS:GO server last week and I enjoyed playing the few rounds that I had before being banned.

About that. When I was banned, Danny, the only message I saw on my screen was the word "dick". Could you please explain how that translates to "banned for specific reasons" and also while you're at it, have the courtesy to explain to me what those reasons are please?

Is it just me that thinks this was immature?

Next up is my forum registration. I'm not sure who is responsible for authorising accounts here but no sooner had I registered on the forum last weekend I started receiving revenge spam emails to the email account I registered with. Again, if the person responsible would care to explain that to me I'd also be grateful.

As for Schlack saying that I was recruiting in the servers? Given that I haven't played in an OFc server for over 3 years prior to being banned I find that somewhat difficult to believe.

We may have parted under difficult circumstances but I worked hard to get this community to where it was before I left. On that basis alone I think I am owed the courtesy of the answers I seek.

I'm not so petty as to say all OFc members are not welcome in TGUK servers given what has happened to me here - in fact, far from it. You have always been welcomed and will continue to be welcome.

So, I look forward to a reply.



Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 5:35 pm
by Dannyf
With regards to the "dick" message, I wanted to keep playing at the time and then later expanded the reason when I posted on the forum. Immature? Probably, but again I wanted to get back to playing so wasn't going to waste time typing up a proper reason when a mild, four letter word could express my sentiments.

I also don't see what me potentially being immature has to do with anything, or why you thought it would be appropriate or worthwhile suggesting it here if you were just trying to question/seeking clarification of the reason(s) for the ban.

Granted I didn't go into too much detail in my original post here either, so the specific reasons were TGUK trying to recruit OFc members as well as changing the advertisements in our server before giving up complete control.

The ban relates to instances immediately (less than 2 days) after leaving OFc, not particularly for actions in the past 2-3 years.

As I stated earlier, the vast majority of TGUK members are free to play on our server at anytime and know that most, if not all, OFc members are similarly welcomed on the TGUK servers. Hopefully there is no confusion about that as I didn't mean to suggest anything otherwise.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sat Feb 28, 2015 11:29 pm
by TGUK Highwaywarrior
You made a very big assumption that it was me who changed the server adverts when in fact it was not.

As for expanding the reason when you posted on the forum - if you had done so then I wouldn't have needed to come here asking why I had been banned, would I.

Bringing up your immaturity is very relevant because OFc is for mature gamers - or at least it always was. If that's no longer the case - as evidenced by your behaviour as an admin then I am better off not playing in your servers in any case.

I can't believe that you're still holding on to some kind of grudge that happened years ago.

The one question that hasn't been answered and I dare say it never will be because someone here lacks any moral courage whatsoever, is who registered my email address on a revenge spam email site - and why they did it. Again - it's immature behaviour and nothing less.

I'm sure my forum account will now be deleted because I've had the audacity to challenge an OFc admin.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 9:18 am
by Mirthy
I have no previous knowledge of all this.

I have no idea who you are (no offence HW, I'm sure you don't know me either).

Normally this would preclude me from contributing but on the internet it's positively encouraged!

One of the main reasons I joined this clan was because of the immaturity. There's nothing like a bunch of drunk middle-aged men giggling like schoolkids while trying to figure out why so much of Irish translates in to swear words upon a Friday night.
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote: Bringing up your immaturity is very relevant because OFc is for mature gamers - or at least it always was. If that's no longer the case - as evidenced by your behaviour as an admin then I am better off not playing in your servers in any case.
There we go then, problem solved end of debate. We're immature, you don't want to play on an immature server, no need to go any further.

Thanks for pouring your heart out on the forum though.

Magical Mirthy

Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 11:54 am
by TGUK Highwaywarrior
Thanks Mirthy. It's good to know that all the effort and work I put into founding and keeping OFc running over the years was well spent. Perhaps you would have been better advised to have done some home work on me before putting that post on.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:05 pm
by Dannyf
Oh Highway, it's this weird superiority complex that you have that causes me to be forever
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote: still holding on to some kind of grudge that happened years ago.
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote: As for expanding the reason when you posted on the forum - if you had done so then I wouldn't have needed to come here asking why I had been banned, would I.
Since I answered this in my previous post, I guess it's safe to assume it's put to bed now then, yes? Oh wait, no. It was the content of your first paragraph:
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote:You made a very big assumption that it was me who changed the server adverts when in fact it was not.
Since there were (to my memory anyway) only 2 members of TGUK at the time, I personally hold those 2 members equally responsible for the offenses. Hence the ban, whether or not you specifically changed the advertisements yourself or not.
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote:Bringing up your immaturity is very relevant because OFc is for mature gamers - or at least it always was. If that's no longer the case - as evidenced by your behaviour as an admin then I am better off not playing in your servers in any case.
I don't think that given the manner that you treated the majority of OFc members at that time (and to my subsequent knowledge a fair few prior to my time as well) I do not think you can comment on maturity or behavior as an admin.

The requirements for membership were that the player was responsible, fair, a team player, and was suited to being a server admin (amongst a few other conditions). It's also funny that it was under your "leadership" that I gained membership (don't worry, there is no doubt in my mind that this was not what you wanted for whatever reason(s)).

So again, I cannot see how bringing it up would clarify or refute the reason for the banning. It seems irrelevant to me to this discussion, and would purely be an internal matter if it was an issue (I think along the same lines as Mirthy though).

As for your final issue (email spam), I have minimal control over the maintaining of the forum so I can't comment on that. That's why I did not answer that section of your original post. To be honest, I would be very surprised if there was any causation to go along with the correlation you are seeing (obviously it's hard to discuss this when I have essentially no knowledge of the specifics).

All I will say (but again, this is purely a comment on the general subject but might not be relevant at all) is that many OFc members would have already had your email address (assuming its the same one you signed up to the forum with) due to previous server renewal arrangements, so to suggest someone would wait until now to enact revenge instead of 4 and a half years ago seems unlikely to me. That is just my understanding of the situation though.
TGUK Highwaywarrior wrote:I'm sure my forum account will now be deleted because I've had the audacity to challenge an OFc admin.
This is the kind of attitude that lead to my tone in my first sentence in this post. As far as I can tell, you have only challenged me personally (although maybe Mirthy now as well, but that was after you said this) and yet you have used language here that implies OFc make snap decisions on the whim of a single admin and wholeheartedly adhere to that regardless of any logic.

In the past (over 4.5 years ago) there were rules about challenging admins in the server or the questioning of OFc members' integrity in their public forum that would have suggested immediate bans (and again, purely to my memory these were spearheaded by you personally even if there was a general consensus). I don't see the advantage of that though in most cases, as it seems very authoritarian to me and prevents a healthy discussion.

Even though I have been around for a good while now, I am fully aware that I was not present around the time of RRFC or the subsequent formation of OFc (but there still are such members here). That does not mean I am lacking knowledge of key events in the communities history or the rules that were applied to most people in that time. While you contributed a massive amount to the community during your time here, I don't think that can be used as much of a mitigating factor at this stage.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:17 pm
by TGUK Highwaywarrior
I see no point in continuing this discussion. Given all you've said I evidently have no friends here and that was primarily my reason for joining your server last week - to catch up with those "friends".

I'm sure your comments are reflective of the entire membership so I will leave it that. I'm disappointed that according to you there were issues that people didn't raise with me at the time and continued smiling to my face but as soon as my back was turned the knives went in it.


Re: [TGUK] Highwaywarrior

Posted: Sun Mar 01, 2015 12:34 pm
by CrAp
Hello highway,

I have so many things to say, 1st of all I don't feel any grudge towards you :roll: . Allthough I do have to say I find it very funny when we make jokes of you. Specially slarti,hes an expert and he makes me piss myself when he imitates you.

2nd, mirthy is a full member of OFc and he has all of the OFc admins respect. Thats why he became a member of OFc and got the tag from our end. This means he has the right to speak hes word and say hes opinion. Very typical of you to try and silence him with your selfcalled respect that we have to have for you. Its very typical of you to try and take control, makes me miss the older days when you were sitting on your throne of tiranny.

The group and the members of OFc is what makes OFc what it is and always was. NOT YOU????!!!!! not your calls, not your descisions, not your try to have control over people, not your fucking try to have control over people even now. Get a life HW, this is the virtual world, not the real world were you can police and annoy people with your ' MY WORD IS LAW AND ORDER'.

So this said, if a senior admin bans you if you spoil hes game and hes evening because your appearance annoyes him. Welcome into your own world then HW, not him BUT ALL OFc BANS your ass out of our servers. If your opinion thinks thats imature, guess what..we learned it from the best.

And knives going into your back? If someone questioned your 'authority' back in the days, you roasted him...imature...well, yes lets leave it to this...

Glad you left Highwaywarrior, this community has no place for people who only laugh with there own jokes.