I'd like to join your merry clan.

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I'd like to join your merry clan.

Hey guys,

So I've been kicking around on your CS:GO server for a few weeks now and am thoroughly enjoying it. First time I was on, it was refreshing to play with a bunch of guys who wanted to play the game without cheaters and assholes but still have fun and be welcoming.

Despite my spectacularly mediocre performance tonight, I'd like to throw my name in for joining. As I mention below, I'm starting to have some more free time now and am around fairly often for shooting stuff.

- NickName (In Game Name) championvillage
- Age Bracket 27
- Area You Live Berlin, Germany but originally from Cambridge
- Married/Partner Live with my girlfriend who likes to go out drinking when I'm at my computer mumbling into a microphone on Friday nights.
- Children None, yet.
- How Long Have You Been Gaming My first memory is of my brother's Spectrum ZX. I've also got fond memories of Marathon on the ol' Apple IIsi and a bunch of old networked 486s playing Doom. Started playing Half-Life mods CS and Action before stopping for a few years. Got into XBOX gaming (forgive me) a couple of years ago and it wasn't until last year I forked out for my gaming rig, stuck the XBOX on eBay and never looked back!
- Games Played Currently I'm regularly playing CS:GO and a bit of Battlefield 3 (need practice...) but also a bunch of FTL, Deus Ex, Assassin's Creed 3 and TF2. Waiting on Aliens: Colonial Marines in a couple of weeks!
- Other Interests I read a lot, mainly Sci-Fi and play music fairly regularly.
- Bit About You I've been living out here for 3 years now and opened a bar about 18 months ago. It's kept me pretty busy but got to a point now where I can sit back a little more and get some rest. Those open ended licensing hours can really take their toll!

Anyway, good games tonight as usual and see you all for some more CS and/or L4D next week!
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

championvillage wrote: opened a bar about 18 months ago. !
well thats Ofc meet 2013 sorted then!

We can sometimes take a little time in making a decision on new members, so do bear with us

Good luck in your application, ive enjoyed playing with you!
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

welcome champion,
nice to hear that you want to join.

where is your bar in berlin? I can be there in 4hours :D

You see, my english is really bad. Pls feel free to send me the correct version of my sentences via pm :D
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

You certainly have the making my man, and if you survive the taunts, jeers and the odd offer from Slarti to join in with his 'special activities', then I think you have every chance to earn the tag in time.
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

Agree with schlack think our 2013 meet up will have to happen in Championvillages Bar!! Champ has my vote, top bloke and good comms! As with most of us it does take a fair while for OFc to accept new members so hang tight and send us the direction to ur bar :-) !!
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

Pfff, another german prick.....welcome and nice app.
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

championvillage wrote: Live with my girlfriend who likes to go out drinking when I'm at my computer mumbling into a microphone on Friday nights.
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

the germans are comming ! shutty maybe u can translate him the ritual of slartis basement we all had to go through 8O
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

oh lk3 ... there are no german words for such bad things ... 8O

You see, my english is really bad. Pls feel free to send me the correct version of my sentences via pm :D
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

prob has got something to do with hes bunghole...
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

Thanks for the input everyone! I look forward to the decision.

As for the bar... it's http://www.theblacklodgeberlin.com. If you stop by, there'll be a beer waiting!
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Re: I'd like to join your merry clan.

Champion! The OFc election machine will creak into action any month now. It's a bit like the Presidential elections - a long time coming!
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