the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

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the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

Alright lads after a year and a half of struggling with the satalite broadband which is frankly utter shite ! it dosent work when its, raining, snowing, cloudy, misty, windy, which essentially rules out it ever working in scotland never mind my fekking mountain top ! the fastest i have ever seen it run was 62Kbs ! normally its about 8-16Kbs

but i have identified another solution which might get me something that resembles a decent connection that i hope to fuk i can game on for my sanitys sake ! it is something called a BET System (broadband enabling technology) which is supplied by and aims to give me a 2Mb connection and is used on the standard BT lines to my house, it costs £850 connection & setup fee then £18 per month after that the Satalite currently costs me £24 a month for 8-16Kbs which is a fukin ripoff !!!

dose anyone know more or have any experiance with the BET system and how it actually works ? before i blow £850 on another technological white elephant !! Cheers lads :)
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

I take it you are on one of those exchanges?

Looks to me like they are going to put a wee doofer in your line every Km or so to boot your signal. They will need power to run the booster but as the phone line is 40ish volts then they can power it from that. This is the first I've heard of it but I don't see any reason why it won't work. There will be delays involved with the boosting I would think (However if it's pure analog signal boosting then perhaps not - a digital solution would mean delays) so your ping may not be wonderful. Have you asked for more information regarding the service?

The cost I would assume is digging up your line every X Km to add said booster. Do you know how long your line is?
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

lo Para m8

No not sure about that system, sounds like a big outlay of cash £850.00 just to enable it though m8
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

Yeah - by the look of things - it's available to all ISPs. You should ask around - see if anybody else is offering it as £850 is a little steep. Just read a few things about it - looks like it should work. Ignore my ping remark - I think they maybe would only put 1 repeater in, so effect on ping would be minimal.
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

Ah - I see the problem: ... ution.html

and ... in-the-uk/

It's the usual BT milks the poor old customer. Looks like ISPs are not touching it with a barge pole because of the cost. 1Meg for £850, 2meg for £1050. and you have to have 15 people on the exchange wanting it before they will consider it. Could well be an expensive dead end. As pointed out in the first article - laying fibre is not much different in price if BT would get it's finger out. A tricky one Para. It may be all that's coming your way for a while. But an awful expensive tie in.
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

the landowner is trying to get all the houses in the glen 17 in total onto the scheme ! i might go for it if the cost aint too bad, but what bothers me is the fact that the existing BT landlines are utterly decrepit (at least 40yrs old from what i can gather) and are in desperate need of modernisation ! but surely to fuck anything has got to be better than this terrible satillite broadband ! i had the most comical email from them last week telling me they were "throttling back my connection" 8O due to me exceeding my 2Gb download limit ! 8O it took me SEVEN SOLID DAYS just to download & install steam FFS !!! they might as well just stop it all together !! WANKERS !!! 8O :evil: :evil:
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

You are truly gifted with shit luck mate! If enough people are up for going on the new line, then I'd say you have paid a lot of money over the last while for the shittest connection on the planet (Quite possibly a fact :wink: ), and even a little more dosh for any improvements, will surely be worth saving your sanity. er.... Hang on, sanity wasn't the word I was looking for in your case.... ah, surely worth saving time downloading pron! :P
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

850.- is a lot! here in austria these UMTS USB modems are very popular and effortable (flat rate).
dont know how this is in your region...
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

No coverage at all for UMTS in Para land - all he gets is sheep net!
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Re: the BET System ! calling all OFc Boffins !

The Lack of Pron Rabbit & Redtube is crippling me ! i have baws like fekkin space hoppers !!

God grant me a decent connection FFS !!! :(
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