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Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 7:38 am
by Redddraggon
Is it worthwhile? I cannae afford to build a new rig for a while, but our new TS3 the Willhubster is going to sell me his 4870 with custom cooling for £50, he's even letting me try it out before giving him the money. ... 0117-1.jpg ... CF0968.jpg

The other important specs are:
C2D E6400 (currently stock freq and V - but will probably OC it a bit)
4mb DDR2
Vista 64bit
2xVDU @ 1680x1050
700W OCX Powersupply

Worthwhile or not?

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 4:23 pm
by Exibit
IF he is going to sell it you for £50.00 then why not go for it

It might keep you going with a few more FPS (Frame Per Sec)

Exib 8)

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Thu May 20, 2010 6:00 pm
by IXL
Agree, if its been well looked after, and hasnt been melted down from OC or heating, then could be worth a shot.

You could always sell it on later and get some cash back for it, in say 6 months time etc.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:23 pm
by Redddraggon
I've got it in my PC now, tweaked my ram and cpu settings too.

3D mark 06 benchmark before was ~7300, after was ~11600. Used to have to run BC2 with low settings, now have got it running high w/ 4x AA.

Not paid anything for it yet too.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 4:34 pm
by IXL
Ur CPU is probably to blame for part of that.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Sat May 22, 2010 10:10 pm
by Redddraggon
2.13GHz -> 2.77GHz, pretty happy with that, temps are fine at that, but pushing it up any further seems to cause a lot of stability issues even though the temps remain fine.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Sun May 23, 2010 9:42 am
by ionwg
£50 is a good price , however 512mb Isn't going to play the likes of Crysis 2 or something in the same class

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Mon May 24, 2010 6:39 pm
by bambam
for £50 that was the best value for money you were gonna get in terms of fps...


Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Wed May 26, 2010 9:27 am
by Redddraggon
Worthwhile getting a Q6600 G0?

I wouldn't normally upgrade old tech but I'm trying to keep this computer ticking over for a bit longer.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling)

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:29 pm
by Gavac220
If it is cheap! I have mine at 3.4ghz and it runs everything very quickly! Overclocking dream.

Re: Upgrade 8800GTS 320mb to Hd4870 512mb (laccelero cooling

Posted: Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:05 pm
by AN7HR4X
had my q6600 to 3.69 but dropped to 3.15 bus speed 351 did have it at 410 but kept getting random errors and wasnt sure it was the cpu so dropped it