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gamebords/pads what ever u call them

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 10:54 pm
by Nemes1s
hey id like some advice been thinking of getting a game pad keybored thing just wondering if anyone use's one mainly cos i find my key bored is just 2 big 2 get in a comfy positon i norm hav ait at an angle and i think one of these pads woud just give me more room oh yeah and was wondering do u hav 2 select it b4 u start up a game or do they auto conect when u start

here is some links the last one was reviewd in pc gammer but not a full reviw the said it was good ... type=genre ... type=genre# ... 3&cl=gb,en

Re: gamebords/pads what ever u call them

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 9:14 am
by Legato
Tom, Lazarus, had something similar in the way of the Z board... and lol.. why don;t you tell us how that went Tom :D

but actually at a second glance those look a bit different, a bit more nifty, and a bit cool :)

Re: gamebords/pads what ever u call them

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 10:37 am
by Stueh
i use a zboard... perfect for gaming since all the keys are perfectly layed out for my hands. rebound the keys so i can have nades etc a touch away.
Granted the board is rather big

Re: gamebords/pads what ever u call them

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 3:13 pm
by smithster
i dont use one but DanTheMan has that Belkin Speedpad Nostromo N52TE and he was making a mess in his pants about how good it was blah blah blah, might wanna speak to him when he's next on.