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Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 12:28 pm
by ^Burton
Hey folks of OFc Gaming.

I'd just like to thank you for being so nice and accusing me of hacking. It makes me feel very pro!

As you can see i'm in the second team of my clan, who are at the mid+ high- kinda level of skill. I've only recently joined the second team after being in the community team for about 7-8 months.

I think you're going slightly OTT with saying i was not using comms. As when i bunnyhopped once i was then told by Bullet not to as it is against the rules. After being told so i replyed on comms to say: "i appologise and i will not do it again". As i said i would not do it again. I didn't.

You say that i didn't play as part of a team, in fact that is rather the opposite. When on D2 a rush was called "A LONG!" i went to B tuns to stop the rotater and assist from the flank, and the same applys for when a B rush was called (outside A long doors). So theoretically i was playing in a very good team manner as to stop our team getting killed from behind.

I've played on your server before and never had problems. I must have just been having a rather good night. I did feel i was playing better although i don't know if it was me having a good night or just the skill of the players on your server (not meant in a rude manner whatsoever).

I would like a link to the demo if possible, as i would like to see where you opionons of me hacking came from. But mainly i would like to be removed from your ban list as i looks rather bad against my name. If you would discuss my ban and remove it then i would be extatic and also never return to your server if you wish.

Thank you.


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 6:58 pm
by Highwaywarrior
I thought my post was quite clear in what I expected as a response. I certainly haven't had any real responses to the queries I raised.

You weren't using comms to aid your team - that has been confirmed by others playing with you.

You are a pro player but you haven't explained what you're doing in our server when you feel that our skill levels are beneath yours?

Here's one for you - running up the hill towards the double doors on dust2 and flashed - saw it as was speccing you in first person. You should have been completely blind but with no hinderance or hesitation you made it through the double doors without touching them. That a "pro" trick is it or are you gonna tell me it really was your lucky night last night.

Quite frankly irrespective of whether you really are that good or are using some form of cheat your conduct wasn't up to the high standards that we insist upon in server 1 and it was blatant that you hadn't taken the time or trouble to read the house rules clearly displayed on the MOTD. And as for bunny-hopping..... what sort of compos do you play in where that is allowed?

I think Sean Connery said it best in the film "The Rock".... "...Personally I think you're a fucking idiot"


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 8:19 pm
by Legato
I'd just like to thank you for being so nice and accusing me of hacking. It makes me feel very pro!
stopped reading at this point as i dont even know you, but sarcasm or whatever the hell this comment is just makes you sound/look like an asshat

have a nice day ™

Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 10:54 pm
by ^Burton
Highwaywarrior wrote:You weren't using comms to aid your team - that has been confirmed by others playing with you.
I was used comms once or twice actually. On pubby i generally don't talk in comms due to the lack of competance of most people.
Highwaywarrior wrote:You are a pro player but you haven't explained what you're doing in our server when you feel that our skill levels are beneath yours?
I actually stated that i didn't know what your servers skill level was. I am not a pro. By far. I play public for a bit of fun and to relax.
Highwaywarrior wrote:Here's one for you - running up the hill towards the double doors on dust2 and flashed - saw it as was speccing you in first person. You should have been completely blind but with no hinderance or hesitation you made it through the double doors without touching them. That a "pro" trick is it or are you gonna tell me it really was your lucky night last night.
I belive you'll find that is called either turning away so i don't get flashed or comeplete guesswork. I play CS:S quite a lot so i know the maps rather well and know approximately how much movement i need to get somewhere when blind.
Highwaywarrior wrote:Quite frankly irrespective of whether you really are that good or are using some form of cheat your conduct wasn't up to the high standards that we insist upon in server 1 and it was blatant that you hadn't taken the time or trouble to read the house rules clearly displayed on the MOTD. And as for bunny-hopping..... what sort of compos do you play in where that is allowed?
I did not read the rules upon entering your server. But when "Bullet" pointed out that bhopping wasn't allowed i read the rules. Also i don't b-hop in PCW's. As i stated earlier in this post i play public for fun. I find b-hopping fun. Therefore i pull out a hop now and then. If it is against the server's rules then fair play. I won't do it. As soon as i was told so i did cease in doing so.


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:12 pm
by Redddraggon
using comms only once or twice doesn't really count as "using comms", at least not in the OFc sense

Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sat Mar 21, 2009 11:23 pm
by Highwaywarrior
^Burton wrote:I was used comms once or twice actually. On pubby i generally don't talk in comms due to the lack of competance of most people....

........I did not read the rules upon entering your server.
Disrespectful on both counts.

Oh and if you're not pro why have I had people approaching me for copies of the demo telling me that your team manager wants to know what is going on?

I think this discussion is really over. You dont appear to be capable of telling the truth and you have shown nothing but contempt and disrespect to those who are regulars on the server as well as members and moreover the people who pay for the server.

I think you're about as welcome here as a rattlesnake in a lucky dip. Your ban wont be revoked - even if we can prove beyond all doubt that you weren't cheating. You clearly dont fit in and I would imagine you've pissed a lot of people off with your arrogance.


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:40 pm
by Myth
Not in the habit of replying piecemeal, so this is probably my one and only...

We are not a "pub" server. It's a community server, there were a predominance of community players on, and it was *rocking* with people using comms well. But nothing useful from Burton at all.

We set out the pitch and aims of the server quite clearly, and the MOTD is uncompromising - Teamplay, comms, craic. None of these were present in Burtons play that night.

So you are a pro, great - in that case I would have expected a *much* better example: in fact I'd expect some leadership of your team instead of spawn-camping and mopping up kills at the expense of your team. Oh and did I mention following the instructions in the MOTD and reading the server adverts?

You didn't fit - and I think for the most part we should all be happy with that.

...and out.

Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 5:41 pm
by ^Burton
Right so your obviosly not reading as i did say i was playing as a team member. Waiting behind our team to stop the rotaters killing us from behind.

Anyway, i'm not gonna get all bitchy, just wondering if i could get a link to the demo as i'd like to see myself how i was "hacking".



Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:01 pm
by Redddraggon
^Burton wrote:Right so your obviosly not reading as i did say i was playing as a team member.
Well you're obviously as thick as two short planks, because you're not reading either - people on the server at the same time as you have already said you are a scorewhoring c*nt with no teamwork......

Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:12 pm
by ^Burton

Back to point. Can i have the demo please?


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 6:29 pm
by Schlack

Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 9:14 pm
by ^Burton
You can think what you like, its a matter of opionion. You can't really prove that i don't unless you come watch me, or i demo myself, or i show you some nice XAC screenshots.

But i don't want to necessarly be unbanned. At the end of the day its up to your admins. I'd just like to please get this demo of myself please.



Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 10:20 pm
by Highwaywarrior
^Burton wrote:You can think what you like, its a matter of opionion.
A matter of what? sp. See me before you do any more.
^Burton wrote: You can't really prove that i don't
Erm... 10 players and a demo says you dont.
^Burton wrote:unless you come watch me, or i demo myself, or i show you some nice XAC screenshots.
Gay - I'd rather disembowel myself and eat my own liver or alternatively stick pins in my eyes.
^Burton wrote:But i don't want to necessarly be unbanned.
Then you wont be disappointed.
^Burton wrote: At the end of the day its up to your admins.
Correct - the truest thing you have come out with yet.
^Burton wrote:I'd just like to please get this demo of myself please.
"If I say please twice then I'll get it" hmmm... next you'll be telling your mum.
^Burton wrote:Thanks
No - Thank YOU - you are the weakest link - goodbye.

No demo for you. It would entail becoming friends with you on steam or X-Fire in order to send the file to you. My friends wouldn't be such an ass-hole. It would also eat my bandwidth and stop me doing far more important things instead like listening to the golf on Radio 5 L!ve.

I think you're lucky to still have forum access and membership - dont push it.


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:20 pm
by ^Burton
Just like to say: you don't need to actually become my "friend" on steam/x-fire etc. you could just host it on these forums as a download or to some FTP and then put a link on this. As i would like proof of my "hacks".


Re: SD:css2^Burton

Posted: Tue Mar 24, 2009 7:27 pm
by Stueh
I can forward if necessary since i already have several [OFc] people on xfire.
