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Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:24 pm
by Bungle
Hey All,

Me and kitty like to watch stuff we have downloaded from the net (iplayer and the like). We were using a cable to link either my pc or kitty's to the tv. However, that cable is now kaput :(

I have a wireless netgear 108mbps modem which we are currently hard wired to. I was wondering if any of you know of a product that is out there that can be hooked into my Netgear wireless modem to trasmit a signal to the tv wirelessly? (preferably with a remote but not essential)

Or if there is a product that sits ontop of the tv and communicates with the modem wirelessly.

There are many products that go from pc to tv but you have to hook them into the back of the pc you want to use. I want a product that works over the network so that any computer connected to the network can use it.


P.s. non porn comments are only welcome (tounge sticking out smiley)

Re: Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 12:37 pm
by Schlack
I use a media centre hard drive, but that seems stone age compared to what you want.

it has a remote, but you have to transfer everything onto it. bit of a pain in the rear with plugging and unplugging.

Re: Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:44 pm
by Legato
do u have a xbox360? if not stop reading here.

if so, then u can put all your videos/tv shows that you have downloaded onto an external HDD and plug that into your 360/ps3, then watch them through the video library section.

oh wait, u mean watch streaming videos.. aah i see... erm sorry im clueless

Re: Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Sat Mar 14, 2009 2:50 pm
by MudShark
I have one of these: ... review.htm

You can connect it via wi-fi or ethernet. You run some server software on your PC and it allows the media lounge to connect to your files and play them via your TV or hifi. It does pictures, video and music.

Now the 320 is well old (I got it for £120 a few years ago) so a newer model may be worth looking into. (The 320 has some drawbacks - it only supports WEP not WPA/WPA2)

D-link now have the 520 here: at £180 though it looks like the product is not perfect (the 320 is OK but no star buy)

Maybe some other product out there that would fit the bill.

Re: Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Sun Mar 22, 2009 2:48 pm
by MudShark
And here is the times reviewing 5 of the best: ... 945216.ece

Re: Wireless Pc To TV

Posted: Mon Mar 23, 2009 6:55 pm
by SimplyMe ... &U=strat15
check this out bamz it might help u.