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Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 4:48 am
by Sayril
Think so...

Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:12 am
by shutteh
someone up for a round l4d2 today? Start: ca. 19-20h CET (18-19 GMT)

Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:46 am
by flangyflange
I'll be there at 20-21 CET

Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2009 9:56 am
by Redddraggon
Give me a shout.

Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:26 am
by Legato
sorry to necro a 3 month old thread but as i was reading about l4d2 on game i cam across this customer review on
Joshua Williams posted on 14 Jan 2010
i think left 4 dead 2 is awful it is so repetative all you do is kill zombies again and there is nothing exciting about the game...
i lol'd very very very hard

Also might aswel add some news now ive necro'd it

DLC confirmed, with a section where u play as the old L4d1 characters, could be interesting

Re: Left 4 Dead 2

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:59 am
by Ftang
More details on the DLC, be warned big spoilers!


one of the original survivers is going to die. The DLC for L4D2 will be released first and you'll meet up with the remaining 3 of the original survivors, presumably setting the canon of which one died. Later the L4D DLC will let you play through the events that lead to the death and someone will have to sacrifice themselves to save the rest.


Really looking forward to it, should be awesome!