ARAS BAN you guys thought i was dekker ?1

For reporting problem players in the servers and appealing if you've been banned unfairly

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ARAS BAN you guys thought i was dekker ?1

HI ,

It is me Aras I got banned today for some reason and the message read "dekker" ? ( im not dekker i am Aras)

I didn't stream like u told me on discord (few months ago I asked about it you said no, so I fallowed the rules) , I have you guys on friends and I join when I have few pints or more to have fun .

So I am not sure what is going on or what .

Regards ,

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Re: ARAS BAN you guys thought i was dekker ?1

Dekker was banned for reasons that were made clear to him, even if he doesn't acknowledge them. They have nothing to do with anyone thinking he hacks, we clearly just don’t want him on our server.

You joined the server with him, while he was trying to circumvent the ban by playing on a different account.

We do not want people on our server that are clearly leaches and do not contribute in any way to the enjoyment of our server.

We are actually very confused as to why you & Dekker want to play on a server that obviously doesn’t want you and is generally at a completely different skill level to you… is it purely that you like easy kills (bots exist for that) or that we are the entertainment? Are you that lonely?!
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Re: ARAS BAN you guys thought i was dekker ?1

not seeing any case being made here to overturn the ban.


to be clear. it seems to us that you come in to roll the drunks on fridays. like a pro joining a poker game late at night and hoovering up the cash.

Also we care about our community and dislike parasite cliques - you appear to be in one.
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Re: ARAS BAN you guys thought i was dekker ?1

That is not very nice thing to say , I am sorry that you feel that way ,

Contradictory, I feel that I add to a community , when I join I am being nice , I am talking with people , sometimes having little banter . I am sure people would agree with me on that from the server .

I am mot the best player in server , specially when I am drinking people can confirm this with some funny stories .

I am not trying to "leach" anything , or "steal your poker chips" . I would say I'm trying to add to the community .

Thank you for listening.

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