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anyone played

i still play every now and again, though there are a lack of servers. its an awesome team game!

for those who've never heard of it it uses the source engine (as the name suggest) with two teams. There's allocated time at the start around 5 to 10 minutes to build your fort! Awesome! I mean what kind of guy doesn't like building a fort?

You used a limited number of different sized bricks to defend you half and your map and more importantly your flag. After the build time ends its combat time. Where you attack the opponents base while defending your own.
With points on capturing and touching your opponents flag. (Its actually a ball but would make the last sentence draw up different imagery)

The process of build time and combat repeats once more so you can modify your base or repair as necessary.

Unfortunately on some public servers you'll get griefers who destroy their own base and spoil the fun for others. that said its great fun and awesome if there is some team co-ordination

see trailer ... DKobETGN-U
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Re: sourceforts

looks funny and hard to build. are you building an objekt with a team or alone? is it 1vs1 or XvsX ?

You see, my english is really bad. Pls feel free to send me the correct version of my sentences via pm :D
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Re: sourceforts

3 vs 3 is probably minimum for a good game 2 vs 2 could still work though

typically is more though 7 v 7 or 10 v 10. can be more but gets crowded and laggy.

yea you build with the gravity gun and takes a while to get use to. though you can manipulate a block pretty much how you like when you get used to it.
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Re: sourceforts

Used to play this, works well with a good team but all you need is one nob to keep destroying your creations/builds and its a fail.
New youtube channel (I fecked up my old one)
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