Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

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Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Been hit with the viral strain of Meningitis, which has floored me over the last while. Couldn't stand up without my head feeling like it would explode, and dropping me to my knees. Turns out the lining of the brain was being attacked, and it swells. Good news is, today is the first day I could view a monitor without chronic pain for a long time, and I have every intention of getting fit in time for the Leuchar's airshow. That is my target for recovery (This Saturday, so I'm being hopeful). If anyone bumps into Crap, get him to PM his moby no. to me, so as the Fuji and I can rape him on his visit to Scotland (An old Highland tradition :twisted: ).
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Sorry to hear that gav - get well asap!!! Uncle nofear will have his number also mate
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again ... 681#p45681
I got an accident with football and have to get a ct and other shit examinated. Dokter forbit me to go to work...
I believe crap tried to stick a football up a place you shouldn't stick a football, and it ended badly aa)
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Get well soon, mate!
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

get well soon mate :)

You see, my english is really bad. Pls feel free to send me the correct version of my sentences via pm :D
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Just to give CrAp's full post incase Gavac can't see that thread anymore (posted August 31st):
CrAp wrote:yo Gavac,

Im not coming to lOOkers;(.
I got an accident with football and have to get a ct and other shit examinated. Dokter forbit me to go to work...
Eitherway have fun and see ya another time;)
Sorry to hear you've not been well Gav, hope you're all good and better soon man!
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

some people will do anything to get out of work a few days lol :twisted:

get well soon mate

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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

These highlanders live on whisky and sheep daggings - you would expect them to be sickly :D :D :D Get well soon Gavac!
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

MudShark wrote:sheep daggings

ohh, so close
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

I just learnt a new word, thanks Muddy.

Get better soon Gav - meningitis is a bit serious.

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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Ye get well soon Gav! :D
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Meningitis my arse , its the 15 years of syphilis eating your brains.
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Glad to hear your feeling abit better gav, i reckon it's all those hours of playing battlefield bad company 2 that has caused your illness! All that shouting at those spawn raping gits and score whoring gits (slarti)!!

Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

Ahhh, my whole recovery was based on shagging/meeting Crap. I'm devastated. My Doctor wants me to go for another CT Scan too, but it ain't stopping me from driving 3 hours to get there!!! Big Belgian poofter. :lol:

Poor Fuji is crapping himself that I'll pass out at the wheel hehe. He is also investing in a full bio-hazard suit.

p.s Lumber punctures have nothing to do with deflating wood! Thought I was going to get some Viagra, but the end result wasn't so nice 8O

All in all, I am dressed for the first time in ages, and managed a shower to my wifes delight. Took the first drive in the car to the Fuel station, to top up with diesel. Don't tell Fuji that it was only 400 meters there and back, and my head feels like it is about to re-decorate the room.

Crappy baby, I am utterly dejected. :cry: :cry: :cry:

P.s thanks Danny and Red for passing on the horrendous news. I feel a relapse coming on :wink:
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Re: Fighting to be fit - Gavac220 down again

good one on the recovery mister gav!
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