
For reporting problem players in the servers and appealing if you've been banned unfairly

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Banned - No comms, no teamplay, spawn camping on dust2, and either a pro or possible hacking... whatever, he did not enhance the server!

Attracted myself, HW and Gav with some strange play and long range unaimed one shot h/s on Spetznaz, and then his complete lack of teamplay and appaling spawn camping on Dust2.
After seeing him obviously tracking folks through walls at start of round on Spetznaz I started demo - Observed lots of very average play, lots of knowing where the enemy was, lots of fluky shots, and ability to see through smoke and flashes - still targetting and manoevering without impediment...

3 demos available for SA

Has a friend called Apone with an attitude problem - if he so much as squeaks, please issue short ban for him too...
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Re: SD:Css2-Burton

Agree with Myth's synopsis on this.

My argument would be that if he's a pro then what sort of team does he belong to that doesn't use comms? Apone was exactly the same - no comms whatsoever. Then there was the spawn camping on dust 2. It isn't pretty nor welcome on our server. Both of these issues suggest that either the house rules weren't read despite being posted on the MOTD or were just ignored by them.

Then there was the inexplicable play from Burton as described by Myth. So many people were crying "foul" of him that I'm sure everyone not on his team were speccing him when they were dead. There was a lot of disgruntlement thats for sure.

Now I have to ask the question - if he is pro and really that good why is he on our server? We dont play competitively and we dont like score whores. We emphasise team play and to mind everyone was playing as a team player with the exception of Burton and Apone last night. Were these guys bullied at school? Do they get their kicks out of coming on our servers just to make themselves feel good while they pwn everyone to get some much-needed self esteem or are they just complete ass-holes?

I'm prepared to listen to any appeal that may be put forward and I hope that the points I have raised will also be addressed in the said appeal if I'm even to begin to read it. Dont waste my time otherwise.

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Re: SD:Css2-Burton

I can see the guy needs an attitude correction but would like to be able to give him at least a smidgen of credit for trying to reason in the Sorted forum. I think it's sometimes underestimated by visitors to Server 1 that the OFc ethos is "Teamplay is everything", and the better the player, the more responsibility they have to 'take one for the team'. It seems like this guy's #1 fuck up was concentrating on being personally leet and adding nothing to the server. How long's the ban?

love to all,
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Re: SD:Css2-Burton

bambam wrote:... concentrating on being personally leet and adding nothing to the server. ...
Nice synopsis really. Obviously didn't read the MOTD...
bambam wrote:... How long's the ban?...
Three SA all agreeing that he didn't fit in on teamspeak? Guess...
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